Friday, April 08, 2011

A New Throne

I just received pictures taken of Abbie while we were making the mold for her new wheelchair.  They give a good idea of what she will look like when she does get her new throne, eventually.

In this first picture, the therapist's hand at the back of Abbie's head is doing the job of a head rest, so this is how Abbie will look from the side when seated:  

 The mold will have full contact with her back, pelvis, ribs, and legs, so she will just need a lap belt to help keep her safe, most likely.  Quite a difference from the lap/lateral/chest strap contraption we have to use now!

Being seated in a position that allows her to look straight ahead rather than at the sky, as her current chair positions, results in much more visual engagement from Abbie.

Once we had a good shape around her, we took her out and they filled the whole mold with plaster.  So, a perfect copy of Abbie's little okole is sitting right now in the rehab department, waiting for the green light to be sent off to the seating company.

Here's a snapshot of Abbie right before we went on our very short walk in the woods during out trip to Washington:

Abbie and Genevieve, at what ended up being our turn-around point.  Notice how different Abbie looks seated in this chair opposed to the mold above.  She's tired of looking at the clouds!!

Please continue to pray for Genevieve's mom.  They have been able to extubate her, she has spoken a few words, but it extremely weak, very disoriented, and it the very early stages of what is going to be a challenging journey of recovery.  If she is anything like her daughter, though, there is MORE than enough fight in her spirit to make it back.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Wow! It looks like her new chair will give her body an amazing amount of support! I imagine that alone will be quite an improvement for her. And the head support allowing her to look forward - wonderful! Can't wait to see her in her new chair!