My laptop is funtional again, allowing us to do a much overdue check on Abbie's voltage today. I repeated the test three time to confirm the results because I was so surprised. Her overall voltage is at 29!!! Much more than I had hoped to see, and proof that the new diet's effects are kicking in just when they were supposed to.
This increase corresponds very well with changes we are seeing in Abbie. I had her sitting on a ball today and no matter which direction I moved her or how much I bounced, she kept her head and trunk solidly in line. We have also noted that the spine we were getting concerned about has straightened out curvature to be seen.
It also deepened my suspicion on another front. Last night she was having a tough time breathing at bedtime. It took two liters of O2 to keep her at 95, but her chest sounded fine. I was up with her pretty much the whole night, and it really seemed that instead of being congested, she was actually too dry. Repetitive shots of nasal saline really helped, and by morning she was off oxygen, satting at 98. I know that raw milk can aid in resolving allergies, and I wondered if that might be what is going on with Abbie. I gave her Zyrtec with her last feed, and last night, within an hour or two of that dose, her breathing trouble started. It may be that she doesn't need it anymore, and giving it to her anyway is drying her out too much. The excellent voltage readings reinforce my thoughts that perhaps it is time to stop Zyrtec and see what happens.
Step by step, bit by bit...I told her we've got 10 months to get her ready for the promised purple two-wheeler.
Hi Tiffany,
WOW! What great news about Abbie's voltage going up so high. It makes me rethink just giving Luke the milk for awhile.
I'm so thankful to hear that you were all fine during the earthquake, I prayed for you and the family that day.
Here is a scripture I've been meditating on for a few days: He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted. Job 5:9 It's so comforting to me that He continues to perform many miracles, I will never stop praying for Abbie's miracle, it is exciting to see all of her progress. To God be the glory, great things He has done!
Love in Christ,
PS I would love to see a picture of sweet Abbie's face, you haven't posted one in a long time.
How wonderful to hear that Abbie is doing so well!! She's just crusing right along. I'm so amazed at the progress Abbie has made in the last 3 months.
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